Media bias is certainly not a new topic, particularly for me. I have noted how media portrayals of Eritrea are often poor, cynical and not thoroughly researched ( here ). Often times they are but caricatures of Eritrea, its Government and their goals. In particular I have often touched on the various green investments that Eritrea has made but has rarely been publicized by the media ( here ).
Today I ran across an interesting article. It was from the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN, a UN Agency) which asserted an oft-repeated claim that Eritrean government was, “reclusive.” (( How to get attention in Copenhagen )) Ironically, it was just a little over a month ago when an article from Gulf News contended that this suggestion was false when taken into context, “The Eritrean government is alleged to be cut off from rest of the world, but it is proactive in tackling environmental issues.” (( Poor nations earn green accolades ))
Interestingly enough, IRIN did report on the Asseb Wind Energy farm this year, (( Reaping the wind )) in an article that is being suggested for superior journalism, however these green advances apparently did not deserve mention in the article attacking Eritrea. This however, does not diminish the strength of Eritrea’s resolve in its approach to environmental issues. In particular, Eritrea’s hard work has shone a light on what honest diplomacy will reap, “”… [the] Eritrea[n] delegation, an under-resourced team of just two or three negotiators, recently managed to convince the UN to bag funds for Least Developed Countries. ‘It was sheer commitment… seen on [at] negotiating table,'” a fact even a UN official had to admit. (( Poor nations earn green accolades ))
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