Since Eritrean independence in 1991, Ethiopian nationalists have struggled with the idea of an independent Eritrea. This challenged what Emperor Menelik II’s wife put forth, “……
Since Eritrean independence in 1991, Ethiopian nationalists have struggled with the idea of an independent Eritrea. This challenged what Emperor Menelik II’s wife put forth, “……
The importance of Emperor Haile Selassie to the Eritrean independence movement as well as to further defining the boundary between Eritrea and Ethiopia is clear.…
Throughout the reign of Emperor Menelik, the immediate successor of Yohannes the IV (discussed previously, in part 1), the treaty boundary between Eritrea and Ethiopia…
Every once in a while an Eritrean or an Ethiopian makes a foolish oversight (more often an Ethiopian than an Eritrean) about the commonality and…
Apparently, although Ethiopia has apparently “changed” its stance towards Eritrea (actively seeking its downfall, although whether or not this is a change can be legitimately debated), the…