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Semantic Eritrea Posts

We will reclaim our land!

Further liberal policies from the Eritrean Government. Yesterday the Eritrean President, flanked by his Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Arefaine Berhe, stressed the necessity for reforestation in Eritrea.

It is to be remembered that Eritrea was once covered (up to 30% before the turn of the last century by some estimates) with forested land. It was only the upsurge in population and conflict through the Ethiopian Occupation that lead to the current 1% figure touted in Government and International estimates.

Toker Revisited

Toker Dam is protected by a detachment of the EDF. In their free time they attend a high school for combatants. Today they were all on station for guard duty. When we stopped to ask how much the level of water had risen some said as much as 7 metres while another suggested even 10 metres.

Well we continued down the Pump Station Road to see for ourselves. The road is bumpy (like most in Eritrea) but what was worse is that there weren’t any guard rails on this very narrow, very steep road. But once we caught a glimpse of the reservoir we knew it was worth it. From the concrete face of the dam back towards the rear of the reservoir, hundreds of thousands of litres of grey-blue water.

Toker Dam in August

Off to Sawa

From: Asmara, Eritrea

Sawa, also known as the Eritrean Defence Forces Training Centre, is also a school. At this school only the twelfth grade is taught. The National Matriculation Examination is also taken at Sawa after which you may receive military training. In this training, the soon to be citizen-soldiers of Eritrea are trained in both military discipline, tactics, and taught to become more physically fit. During peacetime the military training phase is to last some six months while the National Service phase is to last one year. During wartime however, this can be extended indefinitely.

Elabered Estate

Outside of Keren is the Elabered Estate. From this plantation comes milk and fruit. To truly make this a heaven the only thing missing is the honey to make ambrosia. Nonetheless this small heaven on the road to Asmara from Keren is beautiful.

West or Bust! [Gerset]

Gerset is a town just half an our south of Tesseney. To call it a town may be a bit of an overstatement but we will give it the benefit of the doubt. Gerset is a place that has mostly been settled now by Eritrean returnees from Sudan.

Where they have decided to settled is both prime farming land but quite prone to flooding. Here though a damn is being constructed to both hold irrigable water for a test plot of 1000 hectares and prevent flooding in the area.

Tractors near Gerset