In an interview this week with Reuters, the Eritrean President commented on the situation in Somalia. For the past month or so interest in this…
Over the weekend the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, raised the eyebrows of regional and international leaders, not to mention Eritreans and Ethiopians worldwide. To…
For the most part, the Financial Times has practiced excellent journalism, particularly for a UK brand. A series of articles this week, by Barney Jopson however, have shown that the struggles and travails of the news industry might be creating cracks in an otherwise impeccable facade.
After spending less than a week in the Eritrean capital Asmara, Barney Jopson published his first article for the Financial Times from the capital (Eritrea readies first goldmine). Although the author seemingly parrots much of what is written in the popular media about Eritrea he reveals what seems to be interesting information. Granted, most of the information is not new, particularly the resource volume in Eritrea (quite clear if you review the public filings of the mining companies operating in Eritrea) however, a comment is made, seemingly off-the-cuff which is grossly inaccurate.
Africans and their continent are no different than any other. Eritrea, a country in the northeast of Africa, has been vociferous in its message to…
The United States, in its diplomatic regime in the Horn of Africa, has failed to align its interests with its actions. Although the Horn of…